The Benefits
Advancing gender equality is certainly desirable but may have been set aside during the pandemic. However, putting gender equality to one side right now is likely to put you at a real disadvantage when the pandemic begins to recede.
“We’ve gathered evidence that demonstrates that when you resist the biases that lead to undervaluing female talent, you can gain a competitive edge. Call it your inclusive advantage”
There are numerous benefits to implementing gender equality in your organization, but there are 10 that are particularly critical in these uncertain times.
1). Better Decision-Making
Diverse teams enable better thinking and problem-solving.
2). Greater Focus on Innovation
Women in top-level management positions improve performance with innovation-focused strategies.
3). Better Access to Talent
Undervalued women are overlooked in recruitment efforts. Being unbiased towards gender will lead to a richer and larger talent pool from which to draw.
4). More Credibility with Job Seekers
Employee diversity, equity and inclusion policies, as well as diversity in the workforce and leadership, are important considerations for job seekers.
5). Improved Engagement and Retention
A lack of women in positions of power can leave female employees feeling alienated, and result in them leaving as they don’t see a path to advancement. More equitable conditions enable you to hold your female talent.
6). Employees Who Are Resilient
The grit that women develop while navigating our still-unequal workplaces should be recognized for the valuable skill it is.
7). Leaders Who Rise to the Challenge
Women are more likely to be appointed to leadership roles at troubled companies. This suggests that women are more likely to be familiar with managing through a crisis, compared to male peers.
8). Employees with Robust Networks
Women are often excluded from the socializing and relationship-building critical to success in most organizations. As a result, they seek sparring and insights outside their current company and can thereby switch jobs and hit the ground running.
9). Lower Rates of Sexual Harassment
Companies with more women in management and in roles core to the business have lower rates of harassment.
10). A Foundation for Long-Term Gender Parity
Increasing the representation of women helps to foster conditions that, make it easier to hire and retain more women.
The Question of How?
So how do you become a glass-shattering organization that gains the advancements of gender equality? A common denominator for business having achieved equality is, addressing the causes of their gender gaps directly. Ensuring women have equal opportunities for development and growth and delivering an explicit message that women’s skills and leadership are valued, reinforcing those practical remedies and fostering a culture of gender inclusion.
For companies that want to land on the other side of the current crisis in a stronger position, the time to act is now.
Actee provides game-based workplace learning with customizable tools that ensure you can build your own games - so why not build a diversity and inclusion game? You can start by testing your knowledge of gender inequality in Denmark through this quiz.
Learn more about how Actee tools can be applied here.
This summary is based on the article by Harvard Business Review - read it here.
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Read About Our Gender Equality Game