Adapt Or Die
The past 7 months have been the most challenging months for most of us, having to adapt to new working- and communication methods and locations. This is where organizations have been put to the test, having to deliver the digital transformations needed to maintain their business. This is where we first see survival vs. extinction, or in other words; adapt or die.
Moving through these changes, it has been made clear that engagement in the employees is declining and that performance management is being disregarded. It is no surprise that engagement is decreasing when working remotely, as you might not see the direct impact you have on the organization, or receive the praise needed for an elaborate piece of work finished, which can lead to a feeling of being needless. Feeling redundant is not exactly a motivating factor. Which leads to the main question: in these tough times, why are managers not focusing more on the individual’s performance?
Statistics show, that 47% of employers are still using paper-based processes for performance management, not exactly ideal in an increasingly remote and digitalized world.
So, what does this have to do with learning? What if we combined learning and performance management with corporate values and behaviours? Let us say that instead of doing an annual performance review, we incorporated the performance ‘conversation’ into everyday dialogue, ensuring that important thoughts and issues are not forgotten over time. This performance management approach would make certain that employees address their needs for training or skill improvement when issues emerge, allowing them to get immediate and relevant training in response. Furthermore, this dialogue opens for the opportunity to praise and celebrate the individual’s successes, maintaining their engagement and enhancing the work culture.
How Does This Become A Reality?
Through the Actee tools, it is possible to create a ‘change game’ customizing it exactly to your organization's needs. Giving you the opportunity to include variables into the game such as performance, motivation, and culture.
Learn more about how Actee tools can be applied here
Read the article: ‘Linking learning with performance and culture in a remote workforce’ here
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