The Game Builder
The Game Builder tool enables you to design or tailor your own games for your hub. Depending on your purpose and ambitions, you can use the Game Builder to build a new game with your own storyline, dilemmas, and theories or you can just change a few elements (e.g. company name or stakeholder descriptions) and you are ready to go with your customized game. The Game Builder Guide will walk you through a few steps and help you to get started with building your game. For a detailed guide on how to use the Game Builder, click here.
You can build your own game within the main concepts of ActeeChange, ActeeLeadership, and ActeeCommunication, where you can choose both long, short, and mini versions. You can create your own games by using one of our existing games as a template in the Game Builder. Certified consultants with their own partner module can access the Game Builder. Company subscriptions also have access to the Game Builder.
Depending on your purpose and ambitions, you can use the Game Builder to build a new game with your own storyline, dilemmas, and theories or you can just change a few elements (e.g. company name or stakeholder descriptions - see the adjustable elements in the list below) and you are ready to go with your customized game.
If you are interested in grappling with designing or making your own adjusted game version in one of the game concepts, you can start the Game Builder guide in the Game Builder tool, which will walk you through the necessary steps and help you to get started with building your game.